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English phrasal verb practice with "lay down" and "lay out"
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English phrasal verb practice with "lay down" and "lay out"
The Elm Street neighbors work together to turn an empty lot into a community garden. Mr. Thompson lays out the plans and rules, and everyone helps to lay down seeds and pathways. This story helps practice phrasal verbs like "lay down" and "lay out," essential for mastering English. Listen to the story on Latudio’s YouTube channel, practice answering the questions using the phrasal verbs.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English phrasal verb practice with "take in" and "take out"
Sam and his friends are sad when their favorite arcade shuts down. They learn to enjoy other activities and not dwell on things they can't change. This story helps practice phrasal verbs like "shut down" and "shut up," essential for understanding and using English in daily life. Listen to the story on Latudio’s YouTube channel, practice answering the questions using the phrasal verbs.
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English phrasal verb practice with "try on" and "try out"
Laura had an exciting weekend trying out for the basketball team, trying a new restaurant, and trying on new shoes. This story helps practice phrasal verbs like "try on" and "try out," making English easier to understand and use in everyday conversations. Listen to the story on Latudio’s YouTube channel, practice answering the questions using the phrasal verbs.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English phrasal verb practice with "clean up" and "clean out"
Mia and Jake helped their grandma clean up the attic and found a valuable painting. They cleaned out old items and donated to charity. This story helps you learn important phrasal verbs like "clean up" and "clean out," making it easier to understand and use English. Listen to the story on Latudio’s YouTube channel, practice answering the questions using the phrasal verbs.
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English phrasal verb practice with "hang on" and "hang up"
Anna and Sam enjoy a windy day at the park, learning to hang on to their hats and hang up their pajamas and jackets. This story helps you practice important phrasal verbs like "hang on" and "hang up," essential for mastering English. Listen to the story on Latudio’s YouTube channel, practice answering the questions using the phrasal verbs.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English phrasal verb practice with "draw in" and "draw out"
At the Winter Festival, Emma and Alex are drawn in by the festive atmosphere and storytelling. They are drawn out of their shyness and home, learning about their town's history and community spirit. This story helps practice phrasal verbs, making English more engaging and easier to understand. Listen to the story on Latudio’s YouTube channel, practice answering the questions using the phrasal verbs.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English phrasal verb practice with "back up" and "back down"
Laura had an exciting weekend trying out for the basketball team, trying a new restaurant, and trying on new shoes. This story helps practice phrasal verbs like "try on" and "try out," making English easier to understand and use in everyday conversations. Listen to the story on Latudio’s YouTube channel, practice answering the questions using the phrasal verbs.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English phrasal verb practice with "kick off" and "kick out"
The town's annual charity soccer match kicks off with excitement and a ceremony. Tommy helps his team win after an opponent is kicked out for bad behavior. This story helps you practice important phrasal verbs like "kick off" and "kick out," essential for mastering English. Listen to the story on Latudio’s YouTube channel, practice answering the questions using the phrasal verbs.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English phrasal verb practice with "back up" and "back down"
Emily prepares for an important meeting by backing up her files. She helps Tom back up his car and confidently presents her project, refusing to back down when questioned. This story helps you practice phrasal verbs like "back up" and "back down," which are crucial for mastering English. Listen to the story on Latudio’s YouTube channel, practice answering the questions using the phrasal verbs.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English phrasal verb practice with "pick up" and "pick out"
Lucy and Emma have a fun day picking up books, picking out dresses, and picking out constellations. This story helps practice phrasal verbs like "pick up" and "pick out," making English easier to understand and use in everyday conversations. Listen to the story on Latudio’s YouTube channel, practice answering the questions using the phrasal verbs.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English phrasal verb practice with "walk in" and "walk out"
Lucy volunteers at a pet shelter where she helps feed the animals after some workers walk out. This story helps practice phrasal verbs like "walk in" and "walk out," making English easier to understand and use in everyday conversations. Listen to the story on Latudio’s YouTube channel, practice answering the questions using the phrasal verbs.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English phrasal verb practice with "fill in" and "fill out"
At soccer camp, Lucy fills out a form and fills in for the coach during an emergency. She gains confidence and skills, noticing how she has filled out both physically and in her abilities. This story helps practice phrasal verbs, making English more engaging and easier to understand. Listen to the story on Latudio’s YouTube channel, practice answering the questions using the phrasal verbs.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English phrasal verb practice with "throw up" and "throw down"
Jennifer and her friends go camping, quickly throwing up tents and throwing down challenges. After helping her brother who threw up from eating too much candy, Jennifer wins the campfire contest. This story helps practice phrasal verbs like "throw up" and "throw down," making English easier to understand and use in daily life. Listen to the story on Latudio’s YouTube channel, practice answering the questions using the phrasal verbs.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English Phrasal Verb Practice with "call off" and "call on"
A story to learn important phrasal verbs like "call off" and "call on." Mastering these helps you understand and speak English better. Practice with this fun and useful story about a soccer game! Listen to the story on Latudio’s YouTube channel, practice answering the questions using the phrasal verbs.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English phrasal verb practice with "shut down" and "shut up"
Sam and his friends are sad when their favorite arcade shuts down. They learn to enjoy other activities and not dwell on things they can't change. This story helps practice phrasal verbs like "shut down" and "shut up," essential for understanding and using English in daily life. Listen to the story on Latudio’s YouTube channel, practice answering the questions using the phrasal verbs.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English phrasal verb practice with "blow up" and "blow out"
Timmy's 10th birthday was full of surprises. He blew out candles, his dad blew up balloons, and his mom displayed a blown-up photo. His soccer team even blew out the competition! This story helps you practice important phrasal verbs, making English more fun and easier to understand. Listen to the story on Latudio’s YouTube channel, practice answering the questions using the phrasal verbs.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English phrasal verb practice with "back up" and "back down"
Sam and his friends are sad when their favorite arcade shuts down. They learn to enjoy other activities and not dwell on things they can't change. This story helps practice phrasal verbs like "shut down" and "shut up," essential for understanding and using English in daily life. Listen to the story on Latudio’s YouTube channel, practice answering the questions using the phrasal verbs.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English phrasal verb practice with "work out" and "work up"
Mia trains for a 5-mile race, working out every day and working up her endurance. She and her partner Jake work out their training differences, leading to a successful race day. This story helps practice phrasal verbs like "work out" and "work up," making English easier to understand and use. Listen to the story on Latudio’s YouTube channel, practice answering the questions using the phrasal verbs.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English phrasal verb practice with "move in" and "move out"
Maria's family moves to a new city for her mom's job, experiencing the challenges of moving out and the excitement of moving in. This story helps practice phrasal verbs like "move in" and "move out," making English easier to understand and use in everyday life. Listen to the story on Latudio’s YouTube channel, practice answering the questions using the phrasal verbs.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English phrasal verb practice with "roll in" and "roll out"
At the annual bake sale, a new bakery rolls out fresh breads and pastries, while donations for the animal shelter roll in. This story helps practice phrasal verbs like "roll in" and "roll out," making English easier to understand and use in daily conversations. Listen to the story on Latudio’s YouTube channel, practice answering the questions using the phrasal verbs.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English phrasal verb practice with "come across" and "come around"
Sarah comes across an old friend, Lily, during a walk in the park. They chat, help a fainted man come around, and Lily comes around to the idea of working abroad. This story helps you practice phrasal verbs, making English easier and more fun to learn. Listen to the story on Latudio’s YouTube channel, practice answering the questions using the phrasal verbs.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English phrasal verb practice with "pass on" and "pass out"
Mrs. Clark organized a health fair at school, teaching students about healthy eating and hydration. They passed out flyers and water bottles, sharing important health tips. This story helps practice phrasal verbs like "pass out" and "pass on," making English easier to understand and use in daily life. Listen to the story on Latudio’s YouTube channel, practice answering the questions using the phrasal verbs.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English Phrasal Verb Practice with “cut off” and “cut out”
Mary's creative day is perfect for learning "cut off" and "cut out" in fun and relatable ways! Her story is useful practice to know how and when to use “cut off” and “cut out” in every day situations. Listen to the story’s audio on the Latudio Czech Facebook page. Practice writing sentences there in the comments. Try the Latudio app and type in the verb in the MyWords > MySentences feature for more.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English Phrasal Verb Practice with “run in,” “run out,” and "run up"
In Lucy’s story, learn how “run in” and “run out” can be used. Lucy sees a thief run out of a store and she sees how a garden path runs up to the flowers. This is a perfect story to understand and use "run in" and "run out" in everyday contexts! Listen to the story’s audio on the Latudio Czech Facebook page. Practice writing sentences there in the comments. Try the Latudio app and type in the verb in the MyWords > MySentences feature for more.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English Phrasal Verb Practice with “throw away” and “throw out”
Jack's family learns the importance of "throwing away" old items and "throwing out" opportunities and ideas. This is a perfect story for those looking to understand and use "throw away" and "throw out" in everyday life! Listen to the story’s audio on the Latudio Czech Facebook page. Practice writing sentences there in the comments. Try the Latudio app and type in the verb in the MyWords > MySentences feature for more.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English Phrasal Verb Practice with “speak up” and “speak out”
Emma's journey goes from being shy to confidently speaking up and out. This story is for practicing "speak up" and "speak out." It’s also important to learn how to find and use your own voice! Listen to the story’s audio on the Latudio Czech Facebook page. Practice writing sentences there in the comments. Try the Latudio app and type in the verb in the MyWords > MySentences feature for more.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English Phrasal Verb Practice with “make up” and “make out”
Max and Lily's experiences show the importance of mastering the use of "make up" and "make out" in everyday adventures. This story is perfect for learners eager to explore the use of English phrasal verbs! Listen to the story’s audio on the Latudio Czech Facebook page. Practice writing sentences there in the comments. Try the Latudio app and type in the verb in the MyWords > MySentences feature for more.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English Phrasal Verb Practice with “go on” and “go off”
Tom's town is busy with activities, from soccer games to charity meetings and a science fair. This story is perfect for anyone looking to improve how to use "go on" and "go off" through the story of a community’s life and activities. Listen to the story’s audio on the Latudio Czech Facebook page. Practice writing sentences there in the comments. Try the Latudio app and type in the verb in the MyWords > MySentences feature for more.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English Phrasal Verb Practice with “bring up” and “bring down”
Learn how to use the phrasal verbs “bring up” and “bring down” through the story about Mrs. Wilson and her children. It’s perfect for learners eager to embrace English phrasal verbs and the power of collective action and support! Listen to the story’s audio on the Latudio Czech Facebook page. Practice writing sentences there in the comments. Try the Latudio app and type in the verb in the MyWords > MySentences feature for more.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English Phrasal Verb Practice with “hold on” and “hold back”
Follow Lily's story for "holding on" to dreams and hats in the wind, and not "holding back" when it's time to shine or tell the truth. This is a perfect time for you, using these phrasal verbs to hold on to your dreams and to express yourself fully! Listen to the story’s audio on the Latudio Czech Facebook page. Practice writing sentences there in the comments. Try the Latudio app and type in the verb in the MyWords > MySentences feature for more.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English Phrasal Verb Practice with “break down” and “break up”
Emma's day is full of learning about "breaking down" and "breaking up," from car troubles and composting to friendships and boxes. Each challenge brings a new lesson. This is a perfect story to master these English phrasal verbs and discover the positives in every breakdown and breakup! Listen to the story’s audio on the Latudio Czech Facebook page. Practice writing sentences there in the comments. Try the Latudio app and type in the verb in the MyWords > MySentences feature for more.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English Phrasal Verb Practice with “sit down” and “stand up”
Join Jake as he learns when to "sit down" for lessons, discussions, and meals, and when to "stand up" for others and himself. This story shows the importance of mastering "sit down" and "stand up" in English. Get ready for an adventure of learning and standing up for what's right! Listen to the story’s audio on the Latudio Czech Facebook page. Practice writing sentences there in the comments. Try the Latudio app and type in the verb in the MyWords > MySentences feature for more.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English Phrasal Verb Practice with “check in” and “check out”
Emily's family adventure in learning how to "check in" and "check out" from places, items, and experiences. From museums to cafes and parks, every step is an opportunity to explore and connect. Dive into this story to master these essential English phrasal verbs.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English Phrasal Verb Practice with “give up” and “give in”
Join Christy as she faces challenges, from climbing hills to overcoming fears. She learns when to "give up" bad habits and not "give in" to fears. This story is perfect for practicing "give up" and "give in," and understanding the importance of trying and flexibility! Listen to the story’s audio on the Latudio Czech Facebook page. Practice writing sentences there in the comments. Try the Latudio app and type in the verb in the MyWords > MySentences feature for more.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English Phrasal Verb Practice with “look up” and “look down”
Explore Tom's world where curiosity leads to learning and kindness. From "looking up" words to not "looking down" on others and choices. This story uses phrasal verbs to show how perspectives can change our world. Listen to the story’s audio on the Latudio Czech Facebook page. Practice writing sentences there in the comments. Try the Latudio app and type in the verb in the MyWords > MySentences feature for more.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English Phrasal Verb Practice with “put on” and “take off”
Jenny's day is a mix of excitement and changes. From "putting on" her favorite jacket for a special play to "taking off" her hopes when it's canceled. This story uses "put on" and "take off" to show how we prepare for and adjust to life's surprises.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English Phrasal Verb Practice with “turn on” and “turn off”
Discover Jake's day, filled with moments of "turning on" lights, interest, and engines, and "turning off" TVs, noises, and doubts. This story helps you everyday English in action! Listen to the story’s audio on the Latudio Czech Facebook page. Practice writing sentences there in the comments. Try the Latudio app and type in the verb in the MyWords > MySentences feature for more.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English Phrasal Verb Practice with “put in” and “take out”
Dive into a tale where Mr. Jenkins and Emily use "put in" and "take out" to make dreams a reality. This story is perfect for mastering these essential English phrasal verbs and celebrating the joy of small achievements! Listen to the story’s audio on the Latudio Czech Facebook page. Practice writing sentences there in the comments. Try the Latudio app and type in the verb in the MyWords > MySentences feature for more.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English Phrasal Verb Practice with “get on” and “get off”
Introduction: Follow a story where losing a wallet leads to discovering the importance of "getting on" and "getting off" in life's ride. From airplanes to family and work challenges, this story invites you to learn English phrasal verbs in a heartwarming context. Listen to the story’s audio on the Latudio Czech Facebook page. Practice writing sentences there in the comments. Try the Latudio app and type in the verb in the MyWords > MySentences feature for more.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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English Phrasal Verb Practice with “pick out” and “pick up”
In this story, you'll follow Sam as he tries to "pick out" the perfect gift for his friend's birthday and "pick up" some new English phrases along the way. Dive into a world where choosing and learning become adventures, making mastering English fun and essential! Listen to the story’s audio on the Latudio Czech Facebook page. Practice writing sentences there in the comments. Try the Latudio app and type in the verb in the MyWords > MySentences feature for more.
Anglická frázová slovesa
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Zdravé vánoční cukroví?
Objevte kouzlo vánočního pečení a učte se cizí jazyk s receptem na Cuccidati, poměrně zdravé italské vánoční cukroví. Poznejte, jak může být pečení tradičního cukroví úžasnou vstupní branou ke kulturnímu a jazykovému porozumění. V tomto článku se prolíná pekařské umění s jedinečnou perspektivou studia slovní zásoby v kontextu pečení. Ideální pro jazykové nadšence i sváteční cukráře!
Angličtina a kultura
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Vánoční ovocný dort "s vůní lihoviny"
V tomto článku na blogu s "duchy" o venezuelském černém koláči si můžete vyzkoušet úžasnou kombinaci pečení a studia jazyků. Článek je lahodnou formou procvičení slovní zásoby v kontextu prostřednictvím univerzálního jazyka používaného během pečení. 🍰🌍📚
Angličtina a kultura
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Jazyková praxe prostřednictvím vánočního pečení
Objevte radost z vánočního pečení a studia jazyků v našem nejnovějším článku na blogu! Pusťte se do svátečních receptů z celého světa. Rozšiřte své jazykové schopnosti a spojte pečení s jazykovými obraty při nádherné, vzdělávací kulinářsky sváteční výpravě.
Angličtina a kultura
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Vysvětlení amerických výrazů z oblasti vzdělávání od střední školy až po vysokou
Seznamte se s charakteristickými americkými pojmy v oblasti vzdělávání a porovnejte je s Českou republikou, Francií, Mexikem a Itálií. Tento rádce vám pomůže překlenout kulturní rozdíly - od významu slov "Homecoming" a "Prom" až po tajemné pojmy "Fraternities" a "CEUs". Rozšiřte své znalosti a podněty ke konverzaci, až zjistíte, v čem je váš vzdělávací systém podobný nebo naopak odlišný.
Angličtina a kultura
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Food Trucks v USA: Restaurace na kolečkách
Nechte se vtáhnout do rušného světa “food trucků” a poznejte jejich jedinečnou kulturní důležitost v životě Američanů. Tento článek vás seznámí se specifickou anglickou slovní zásobou spojenou s food trucky a podá živý obraz jejich bohaté historie od 19. století až po současné šéfkuchaře. Poznejte žargon používaný v oblasti pouličního jídla a zjistěte, proč jsou “food trucky” fenoménem přesahujícím pouhé stravování na cestách.
Angličtina a kultura
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Rozdíly v označování času a čísel v USA a v České republice
V tomto příspěvku o zkušenostech Američana, který se přizpůsobil životu v České republice, se dozvíte, jak zajímavá je směsice čísel, jazyka a kultury. Zjistíte, jak každodenní činnosti, od sdílení času po nakupování, přinášejí díky jazykovým nuancím nová úskalí. Nejde jen o to naučit se jazyk - je to zároveň vzrušující cesta za novým pohledem na svět a interakcí s ním.
Český jazyk a kultura
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Malé kulturní rozdíly mezi českými a americkými restauracemi
Poznejte osobité stolovací zvyklosti a kulturní nuance České republiky, o které se s vámi podělí Američan. Seznamte se s frázemi a gesty, které se liší od amerických - od naznačení, že jste dojedli až po dávání spropitného. Poznávání těchto drobných, ale významných odlišností vám pomůže cítit se více propojeni s českou kulturou a zahrnout do svého života v zemi české kulinářské zážitky tak, abyste se v České republice cítili jako ve svém druhém domově.
Český jazyk a kultura
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Kulturní postřehy při navazování přátelství s Čechy
Začtěte se do vyprávění o mém putování za přáteli v srdci Evropy a proplouvejte se mnou labyrintem kultury i jazyka. Od navazování vztahů s českými rodinami až po dešifrování nuancí pomlk v rozhovorech - toto poznávání není jako jiné obvyklé tipy, jak získat nové přátele. Předkládám vám několik poznatků, které jsem získal na své cestě za touhou, abych se v České republice cítil "jako doma”.
Český jazyk a kultura
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Kulturní nuance sloves ‘like’ a ‘love’
Připojte se k Markovi a seznamte se s důležitým a vzrušujícím srovnáním anglických výrazů 'like' a ‘love’ a jejich českých ekvivalentů. Předkládá vám jednoduchý návod, jak se naučit oba jazyky, aby zmíněná slovesa citlivě reagovala na různé kontexty - zda se jedná o věci, jídlo, oblečení nebo osobní vztahy.
Český jazyk a kultura
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Kultura (a jazyk) cestování
Objevte zajímavé kulturní rozdíly mezi systémem pražské hromadné dopravy a ulicemi Seattlu, kde dominují automobily. Získejte přehled o nepsaných pravidlech a zvycích, které ovlivňují každodenní interakci v pražských autobusech, tramvajích a metru. Seznamte se se základními frázemi, které vám umožní vychutnat si nečekaný vhled do každodenního užívání jazyka pod vlivem místní kultury a zvyklostí.
Český jazyk a kultura
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Cukroví, dorty, koláče a chleba jako součást kultury
Článek pojednává o kulturních rozdílech v jídle mezi USA a Českou republikou. Mark začíná svou první zkušeností s návštěvou Prahy během Vánoc a rozdíly mezi americkým a českým vánočním cukrovím. Článek se zabývá tím, jak důležité je pochopit kulturní a kontextuálí rozdíly mezi jazyky s připomínkou, že je třeba být spíše "kulturní houbou" než pouhým překladatelem slyšeného.
Český jazyk a kultura
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