Mark Shimada

English Phrasal Verb Practice with “cut off” and “cut out”

Mary had a big art project to do. She wanted to make a collage and needed lots of pictures. She began cutting out pictures [ vystřihovat obrázky] in old magazines. She cut out pictures of animals and trees. "These will look great!" she thought.

While working, her brother was playing loud music. Suddenly, the music cut off [hudba se přerušila]. "Oh no," her brother exclaimed, "I think the speakers are broken!" Mary didn't mind the quiet. It was easier to concentrate.

Next, Mary needed a piece of black paper. She found one but it was too big. Carefully, she cut out the size [vystřihla velikost] she wanted. Then, her mom called, "Lunch is ready!" Lucy's hand slipped, and she accidentally cut off a corner [odstřihla roh] of the paper. "Oops!" she said, "I’ll leave it like this for now."

After lunch, Mary and her family planned to go to the park. But on the way, a tree had fallen on the road. They were cut off [Byli odříznuti] from their usual route. "We’ll take another way," her dad suggested.

In the car, her dad told her about how he had to cut out sweets [vyřadit sladkosti] from his diet. "It was hard, but I feel better," he said. Mary was thinking if she should cut out sweets, too [ měla by také vyřadit sladkosti].

On the way back from the park, the car's engine suddenly cut out [motor náhle zhasl]. "Not again," groaned her dad. The car easily restarted and they got home. After a snack, she went to her room to finish the collage. She wanted to show it to her friends at school tomorrow.

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