Mark Shimada

English Phrasal Verb Practice with “get on” and “get off”

I got off the airplane [Vytoupil jsem z letadfla] in Seattle, Washington. I went to meet my sister. She was waiting at the arrivals area. I walked with her to the car. I didn’t have my wallet. I got on the airplane [Nastoupil jsem do letadla] in Amsterdam. I thought I put it in my jacket pocket. I am getting on in my years [stárnu] . Was my memory good?

My sister moved to a new house. She was driving me to her new house. She lives there with her daughters. Both her daughters have partners. We got off the freeway [Sjeli jsme z dálnice] . I asked her, “How are you getting on with the kids [vycházíš s dětmi]?”

She replied, “I’m getting on really well [vycházím s nimi velmi dobře]. But, I need to get off their backs [uhnout jim trochu z cesty] . I think they work too much.”

We arrived at the new home. I needed to get on zoom [připojit se na zoom]. I use zoom for online meetings. She asked me, “How are you getting on with your new boss [vycházíš se svým novým šéfem]?”

We entered the house. I said, “I got off lightly [vyvázl jsem] with a warning from my boss.”

“Why? What happened?” she asked.

“I forgot to include something in a report.” I looked down at my shoes. I said, “Oh no. Look at the mud I got on my shoes [co mám na botách].”

My sister said, “Don’t worry. Go to your meeting. Take off your shoes. I’ll get off the mud [Bláto z nich odstraním].”

I removed my shoes. Then, I went to the kitchen table for my meeting.

My sister said, “I’ll be back. I need to get a package off  [odeslat balík] to a friend.”

I sat at the table. I noticed some pill containers in the kitchen. My sister came back. I asked, “Who is on medication?”

She replied, “Tina had a hernia operation. She was on painkillers. But, she got off them [přestala je brát].”

I remembered something. Tina liked to ride horses. I was curious. “Has she gotten back on her horse [vrátila se ke svému koni]?”

“Not yet, maybe in a few weeks.” She put the pills in a cabinet.

My meeting ended. I’ll get on with my visit [Budu se dál věnovat své návštěvě]. I was looking forward to spending time with them.

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