Mark Shimada

English phrasal verb practice with "throw up" and "throw down"

Last weekend, Jennifer and her friends went on a camping trip. They arrived in the afternoon and immediately started setting up their camp. Since it looked like rain might come, they quickly threw up their tents [postavili stany]. Jennifer was especially quick at putting up hers. “Wow, Jennifer, you threw that up fast [postavila ho rychle]!” her friend Jake said. 

After throwing up their tents [Když postavili stany], Jennifer threw down a challenge [učinila výzvu] to her friends. "Let's see who can build the best campfire," she said with a grin. Everyone was excited and quickly started gathering wood from around the campsite. 

As they were all doing that, Jennifer's little brother, Tommy, was busy eating candy. He brought a big bag of gummy bears and started eating them. Unfortunately, he ate too many, too fast. Soon he felt sick and threw up [vyzvracel se] behind a bush. Jennifer heard him and ran over. “Oh, Tommy, did all that candy make you sick?” she asked. She helped him clean up and made sure he drank some water to feel better.

Meanwhile, the campfire challenge was still going on. Jake threw down his bundle of wood [shodil na zem svazek dřeva], showing he was ready to win. The friends worked hard to build their fires. Soon, several small fires were going. 

In the end, Jennifer’s fire was the best. It was the biggest and brightest. By then, Tommy felt better and joined the group around Jennifer's fire. They roasted marshmallows and told stories under the stars.

That night, as they lay in their tents, Jennifer felt good about how well she had thrown up her tent [si postavila stan] and how she had won the campfire challenge. She was also glad she could help Tommy when he wasn’t feeling well. It had been a day full of ups and downs, but Jennifer loved every moment of their camping adventure.

The next morning, they packed up, ready to head home. They left the campsite with happy memories and a promise to come back next year for another challenge.

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