Mark Shimada

English phrasal verb practice with "pick up" and "pick out"

Lucy had a busy Saturday planned. There were a lot of people and things to pick up and pick out. First on her list was to pick up her friend [vyzvednout kamarádku], Emma, for a day of shopping. "I'll pick you up at 8 [Vyzvednu tě v 8]," Lucy told her. Emma was waiting outside her house when Lucy arrived on time.

Their first stop was at the local bookstore. Emma was looking for a new hobby. "I think I might pick up knitting [možná si vyberu pletení]. It seems fun and relaxing," Emma said. Then, she found a book on knitting. Lucy knew that Emma quickly picked up new things [si rychle osvojuje nové věci]. Last year, she even learned French in just a few months!

After the bookstore, they went to the mall. Emma had a party next week and needed a new dress. She was excited to pick out something special [vybere si něco speciálního]. The store was full of options, making it hard to choose. "Can you help me pick out a dress? [Pomůžeš mi vybrat šaty?]" Emma asked Lucy. They spent some time looking at all the dresses. Finally,  Emma picked out a beautiful blue dress [si vybrala krásné modré šaty].

Later, they sat in the café having coffee, Lucy showed Emma a stargazing app on her phone. “Tonight, let’s pick out some constellations [vyberme si nějaké souhvězdí],” Lucy suggested. Emma was curious because she hadn’t picked out constellations before [souhvězdí předtím ještě nikdy nevybírala].

After their coffee, Lucy drove them to a perfect spot for looking at stars. They laid on a blanket and stared up at the night sky. "That group of stars looks interesting. Can you pick it out on your app? [Dokážeš je vybrat na své appce?]" Emma asked as she pointed to the sky. Lucy used her app to identify it as Orion, the hunter. Emma was surprised at how Lucy could pick out the constellations [dokáže vybrat souhvězdí] so easily.

As the evening ended, Lucy took Emma home. "Thanks for helping me pick out my dress [vybrat mi šaty] and for the lovely day," Emma said as she got out of the car.

Lucy drove home feeling happy about the day. She had helped her friend pick out a dress [vybrat šaty], picked up a new book [vybrat novou knihu], and enjoyed picking out constellations [vybírání souhvězdí]. It was a beautiful Saturday.

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