Mark Shimada

English phrasal verb practice with "come across" and "come around"

One nice afternoon, Sarah went for a walk in the local park. While she was walking, she came across an old friend [narazila na svou starou kamarádku], Lily. She hadn’t seen her in years. They were both surprised and happy to see each other. They hugged and started chatting right away. To others, Lily came across [připadala] as quiet and serious. Sarah only knew her as kind and caring.

As they walked together, Lily said how unsure she was about working abroad. Sarah shared her own experiences of working abroad. The more they talked, Lily slowly came around [přicházela] to the  benefits of working abroad.

While they were still talking, they suddenly heard lots of people nearby. A small crowd had gathered around a man who had fainted. Sarah had taken a first aid course, so she went to help. She checked on the man and made sure he was safe. After a few moments, the man came around [se muž probral]. He was a bit confused at first, but grateful for the help. Lily was impressed by how calmly Sarah handled the situation. Sarah came across as very competent and reassuring.

Sarah and Lily continued their walk. They talked about old times and how much they had both changed. Lily finally came around to the idea [se nakonec přiklonila k myšlence] of moving abroad. She realized that change could lead to adventures and personal growth.

Before they went their separate ways, Sarah and Lily exchanged contact information and promised to keep in touch. Lily thanked Sarah for helping her come around to the idea [jí pomohla přiklonit se k myšlence] of taking the new job. She felt more confident and excited about the future.

That day in the park, Sarah not only came across an old friend [narazila na starou kamarádku] but also helped someone in need. It was a day where a simple walk led to unexpected and rewarding experiences.

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