Mark Shimada

English phrasal verb practice with "clean up" and "clean out"

One Saturday, Mia and her brother Jake went to visit their grandma. When they arrived, they were surprised to see her attic was filled with old boxes and dusty furniture. "Will you help me clean up this mess [uklidit tenhle nepořádek ]," Grandma asked. "Maybe we’ll find some treasures!"

Mia and Jake wanted to help her clean up the attic [uklidit půdu]. They went through old books, clothes, and toys. As they were cleaning up [uklízeli], Mia found a beautiful, old painting. "Look at this, Grandma!" Mia said with excitement. 

Grandma looked at the painting. "Oh, my! That's a painting from your great-grandfather. He was quite the artist," she explained. They decided to clean it up [ho vyčistí] and hang it in the living room.

After hours of cleaning, the attic looked amazing. They had cleaned out every corner [Vyčistili každičký kout], leaving it spotless and organized. Grandma was so pleased that she took Mia and Jake out for ice cream as a treat.

A few days later, Grandma took the painting to an antique expert. To everyone's surprise, the painting was quite valuable. Grandma decided to sell the painting. At the auction, she cleaned up [si polepšila] by making a large amount of money very quickly.

With the money from the painting, Grandma wanted to use it wisely. So, she donated part of the money to the local community center to help clean up the neighborhood park [aby pomohla uklidit park v sousedství ]. 

Inspired by their grandma’s good deeds, Mia and Jake decided to clean out their own rooms [že vyklidí své vlastní pokoje]. They donated their old toys and clothes to a charity that helped families in need.

Weeks later, the community center invited Grandma, Mia, and Jake to the reopening of the cleaned-up park [uklizeného parku ]. The community was grateful for Grandma's generosity, which had helped clean up the park [pomohla vyčistit park] for everyone to enjoy.

That summer, Mia, Jake, and their grandma not only cleaned up an old attic [uklidili starou půdu] but also helped clean up their community [uklidit svou obec], proving that a little effort can make a big difference.

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