Mark Shimada

English phrasal verb practice with "work out" and "work up"

Mia always loved running, but she didn’t think she could run in a big race. One day, her gym coach asked her to participate in the local 5-mile race. Excited but nervous, Mia started a new training workout [tréninkem ].

Every morning, Mia worked out [posilovala] at the gym. She started by running short distances and slowly worked up [propracovávala] to longer ones. "Just take it one step at a time," her coach said to her. Mia felt she was getting better each week.

However, Mia faced a challenge. She and her running partner, Jake, had different ideas about training. Mia liked to run early in the morning, and Jake liked running in the evening. These differences caused some difficulties between them. They needed to work out their differences [vyřešit své odlišnosti] to keep training together.

One afternoon, they sat down at the park after a run. "We need to work this out [to vyřešit]," Mia said. They talked honestly about what they each liked to do. Finally, they worked out a compromise [dopracovali se ke kompromisu]. Some days they would run in the morning and some days in the evening. Both were happy to still train and work out together [cvičit společně].

As the race day came, Mia was really nervous. She had worked up [dopracovala se] to running five miles during her training, but she didn’t know how well she would do. Jake tried to calm her down. "You've worked so hard for this. You're ready," he put his arm around her shoulders. 

On the day of the race, Mia and Jake arrived early. There were a lot of people and everyone was excited. Mia remembered all the mornings she had worked out [trénovala]. Most of all, she thought about what she worked out [vyřešila] with Jake to be there.

The race began, and Mia started running. She felt strong and confident with each mile. The cheers worked her up [skandování ji povzbudilo] even more and gave her more energy. When she saw the finish line, she sprinted with all she had left.

Crossing the finish line was a really special moment for Mia. She not only completed the race but did it with a great time. Jake hugged her, and they celebrated their success together.

Through this journey, Mia learned how to work out [trénovat] to achieve her goals. She was happy and ready to begin working out [začít trénovat] for her next race.

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