Mark Shimada

English Phrasal Verb Practice with “put in” and “take out”

In a small town, there lived a man. His name was Mr. Jenkins. Mr. Jenkins was kind. He owned a diner. Everyone liked the diner.

One day, he put in a new window [přidal nové okno]. He wanted more sunlight in the restaurant. Mr. Jenkins wanted the diner to be welcoming. So, he put in a lot of time and energy [Vložil do toho spoustu času a energie.].

Emily went often to the diner. She liked the changes. Emily was always busy with something. She put in extra hours [odpracovala hodiny navíc] for a dream trip. Finally, she put in a request  [podala si žádst] for her vacation.

Spring finally arrived. Mr. Jenkins decided to put in some flower beds [založit květinový záhon s květinami]. He wanted the flowers outside the diner. He enjoyed putting in time  [rád věnoval čas] to care for the plants.

One evening, Emily went to the diner. She wanted to take out her favorite meal [odnést si své opblíbené jídlo]. She was in a hurry. She needed to take out some money [vybrat si trochu peněz] from the ATM. The money was for her upcoming trip. She saw the new flowers. She complimented Mr. Jenkins on his hard work.

The next week, Mr. Jenkins had a problem with his fridge. He needed to take out [vyndat] the faulty motor. It needed a new one. He worked hard. He put in the fridge [lednici sem dal] years ago. He fixed it in time for the lunch rush.

Emily returned from her dream trip. She told stories to Mr. Jenkins. She showed him her souvenirs. Mr. Jenkins listened. He had put his life savings into the diner. Maybe it was time to take out money [vyzvednou peníze] for a trip.

Mr. Jenkins put love and care [věnoval lásku a pěčí] into the diner. Emily put in time and energy [věnovala čas a energii] for her dream trip. Mr. Jenkins learned to take out an old fridge [vyndat starou ledničku]. Emily took out money [vybrala peníze] for her trip. Both knew how to make little things count to grow and be happy.

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