Mark Shimada

English Phrasal Verb Practice with “speak up” and “speak out”

At one school, students are encouraged to speak up [se vyjadřovali] and share their ideas. One day, a new student named Emma came to the school. Emma was shy. In her first presentation, the teacher said, "Please speak up [mluv nahlas ]; we can't hear you at the back." Emma was nervous, but she tried to speak up [mluvit nahlas].

In the same class, there was a boy named Lucas. He was known for his confidence. He often spoke up [vyjadřoval svůj názor] during discussions. "If anyone has any suggestions, please speak up [ozvěte se]," the teacher said. She wanted more students to speak up [aby se vyjádřili].

The next week, the school announced new rules that seemed unfair to some. Emma was hesitant to say anything. Many students were upset, so she wanted to speak out [vyjádrit se]. At a school meeting, she spoke out [ozvala] against the unfair rules. Her voice was clear and confident.

Lucas also decided to speak out [promluvit]. "Emma is right. We need rules that help us grow, not hold us back."

Other students began to speak up too [ozývat se]. They shared their thoughts and suggestions. The teacher listened and said, "I'm glad you all spoke up [jste se všichni vyjádřili]. It's important to share your opinions."

The school principal decided to revise the rules. He appreciated the students for speaking out [se ozvali].

From that day on, Emma felt more confident in speaking up [se vyjadřovala] during classes. She and Lucas became good friends. They worked together on projects.

At their school, students learn the value of speaking up and speaking out [ozvat se a mluvit otevřeně]. They learned to speak up [mluvit nahlas] in presentations, discussions, and meetings. Emma and Lucas inspired other students for speaking up and speaking out [aby se ozvali a veřejně se vyslovili].

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