Mark Shimada

English phrasal verb practice with "blow up" and "blow out"

Today in the Johnson family it was Timmy's 10th birthday. His parents decided to throw a party and invite all his friends from school. Early that morning, Timmy’s dad started to decorate the living room. He started to blow up all the balloons [nafukovat všechny balónky]. 

Timmy's mom was in the kitchen making the birthday cake. She also prepared a surprise for Timmy. She blew up a photograph [zvětšila] from their summer beach trip. The photo was of Timmy building a huge sandcastle.

By the afternoon, the house had balloons everywhere. Soon, Timmy's friends arrived, and the party started with games and laughter. The highlight was when Timmy made a wish and blew out the candles [sfoukl svíčky] on his cake. Everyone cheered and sang "Happy Birthday."

After the cake and presents, Timmy's dad had another surprise. He took all the kids to a local soccer field for a friendly match. In the end, Timmy’s team blew out the opposition [rozstříleli soupeře] 5-0. 

After the game, they went back to Timmy’s house. Timmy couldn’t stop talking about the soccer match and how they had blown out the other team [roznesli soupeřův tým na kopytech]. His mom then showed him the blown-up photograph [zvětšenou fotografii] on the wall. Timmy was happy to remember his memory of the sandcastle.

The day ended with Timmy feeling happy and loved. He thanked his parents for the best birthday ever. He loved the blown-up balloons [nafouknuté balónky], blowing out the candles [sfoukn utí svíček], having a blowout victory [drtivé vítězství] in soccer and a blown-up photo [zvětšená fotka]. It was indeed a day full of wonderful surprises and joyful memories.

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