Mark Shimada

English Phrasal Verb Practice with "call off" and "call on"

One sunny morning, a small town was getting ready for a big soccer game. Everyone was excited. Soccer was a big deal in this town. Later there were dark clouds and it rained heavily. The mayor decided to call off the game [zápas odvolat]. He made a sign, “The game is called off [zápas je odvolán] because of rain. The game will be on another day." The players and fans understood it, but weren’t happy about it. 

With the game called off [Když byl zápas odvolán], Lily and her friends didn't know what to do. They were looking forward to the game all week. But, Lily had an idea. "Why don't we call on [Co kdybychom navštívili] Mrs. Thompson?" she thought. Mrs. Thompson was an elderly lady in the neighborhood. She always liked seeing people. And, she always told interesting stories. 

Lily and her friends agreed. So, they walked to Mrs. Thompson's house. When they got there, Mrs. Thompson was surprised. "What brings you here?" she asked.

Lily explained, "The football game was called off [fotbalový zápas byl odvolán] because of the rain, so we wanted to visit you."

Mrs. Thompson smiled. "Well, come in! I was just about to bake some cookies." Inside, the house was warm and cozy. Mrs. Thompson called on Lily [Paní Thompsonová vyzvala Lily] to help with the dough.

As they baked, Mrs. Thompson shared stories from her youth. The friends listened intently, laughed and asked questions. 

After enjoying the cookies, Lily looked out the window. She saw the sun was out again. Mrs. Thompson looked out, too and said, "Why don't you go out and have your own soccer game."

All of them liked the idea. As Lily left, she said, "Thank you for letting us call on you [vás navštívit]. With the game called off [I když byl zápas odvolán], it was still an amazing day."

As they left, Lily knew that when some plans are called off,[se některé plánované akce odvolají] it opens another door to calling on [k tomu, aby navštívila] a friend.

Lépe ovládat angličtinu znamená umět používat frázová slovesa v různých situacích.

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