Mark Shimada

English phrasal verb practice with "back up" and "back down"

One day in a big city, Emily was preparing for an important meeting. She remembered her mentor's advice: "Always backup your files [zálohuj soubory] on your computer." So, before she left for work, Emily backed up her project presentation [si Emily zálohovala prezentaci svého projektu] on her USB drive.

As she drove to the office, she saw Tom from work in the parking lot. He was having a hard time parking his car. He had a hard time backing up his car [zacouvat se svým autem] into a small space. Emily parked her car, then went to help him. "When you back up [couváš], turn the wheel to the left a little," she suggested. With Emily's guidance, Tom successfully backed up his car [zacouval se svým autem].

They both walked into the office and went to the meeting. The room was full of co-workers and directors. Emily began her presentation. She explained her new project idea confidently. One director, Mr. Smith asked Emily, “Could you back up your idea [Můžeš svůj nápad podložit] with some data?”

Suddenly, Emily felt nervous and knew her data was accurate. She refused to back down [ustoupit]. "My idea is backed up by market research [je podložen mým průzkumem trhu]. I have the data backed up [data zálohovaná] on my USB drive," Emily said confidently. 

Just then, her boss turned to her and said, "Don’t worry. I’ll back you up [podpořím tě] if they ask more questions."

Emily showed the backup data [zálohovaná data] from her USB drive. Mr. Smith heard her and had to back down [musel ustoupit]. “I appreciate seeing your backup data [zálohovaná data]. You are very well prepared.”

The meeting ended with the team applauding Emily's hard work and the directors approved her project. When Emily and Tom left the meeting, Tom said, "I will always back you up [Vždycky tě budu podporovat]. You were brilliant!"

"Thanks, Tom! It feels good to be confident and not back down [neustupovat]," Emily smiled.

On their way back to the office, Emily thought about how important it was to have back up support [mít podporu] and to be prepared to back up one’s ideas [podepřít své nápady]. She felt good about not backing down [že neustoupila] and grateful for Tom’s backup [podporu] in the meeting. And from that day on, she made sure to always back up her data [zálohovala svá data] and her beliefs.

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