Mark Shimada

English phrasal verb practice with "roll in" and "roll out"

One bright Saturday morning, the community center in Elmwood was busy with lots of activities. Today was the annual bake sale, and everyone was excited. The main attraction was a new organic bakery, “The Kneady Baker.” They were going to roll out some new breads and pastries [Chystali se na trh uvést nové druhy chleba a pečiva] for the first time.

Very early that morning, the baker at The Kneady Bakery was busy. He rolled out the dough [vyválel těsto ] on a large table. He then shaped it into pizzas and strips for breadsticks. "We need to make sure everything is perfect for today," he said to his assistant, Lucy.

At the community center, people were setting up booths and decorations. The owner arrived to roll out the new pizza combinations [nabídnout nové kombinace pizzy a slaných tyček.] and breadsticks. The bake sale was a big event because it also raised money for the local animal shelter. Volunteers were hopeful as the donations started to roll in. Many visitors donated to support the animals.

At noon, Mr. Baker and Lucy rolled out their cart [vyjeli s vozíkem] with more new baked goods. The smell of fresh bread and cookies filled the air. "Come try some new organic pastries!" Mr. Baker called out. Soon a crowd gathered around his booth.

As the day went on, more and more people rolled in [přicházelo stále více lidí]. The community center was packed with families, friends, and lots of hungry visitors. Everyone wanted to taste the new baked goods. All of the cheese breadsticks quickly sold out.

Lucy was thrilled to see the results of their hard work. "All of the new products are really rolling out well [se opravdu dobře ujímají]," she said smiling.

By the end of the day, the bake sale was a huge success. A lot more money rolled in [se sešlo víc peněz] than the volunteers expected. The owner and Lucy were very happy, too. A lot of people really liked their new baked goods.

As they cleaned everything up, they both thanked everyone for their support. "Thanks to all of you. We hope your visits will keep rolling in [budou i nadále chodit]. We look forward to rolling out more new baked goods [že uvedeme na trh další nové pečivo ], and to seeing you again." 

The bake sale was more than just a baking event. It was a day filled with community spirit, generosity, and delicious treats.

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