Mark Shimada

English Phrasal Verb Practice with “throw away” and “throw out”

One sunny afternoon, Jack's mother asked him to clean his room. As he cleaned, he found old magazines under his bed. "I need to throw away [vyhodit] these old magazines," he thought. He also found some old broken toys and threw them away [vuhodil je], too.

Jack's older sister, Emily, was still trying to make a decision. A week ago, she got a new job offer. But, she took too long to reply. Every day she felt like she was throwing away the opportunity [zahazuje příležitost].

Their mother was busy in the kitchen. She noticed the milk had spoiled. "I must throw this out, [musím to vyhodit]" she said. She also threw out vegetables [vyhodila zeleninu] from the fridge, and made a list of fresh ones to get.

Jack’s Dad told him what happened at a sports bar. He often went there to watch football games with his friends. That day, security had to throw someone out [museli někoho vyhodit]. Their dad said, "He was thrown out [vyhodili ho] for causing trouble."

In the evening, the family sat down to discuss a new rule about limiting screen time. Jack proposed no limits on weekends. Unfortunately, for Jack, his idea was thrown out [jeho nápad byl zamítnut] by his parents.

The next day, Jack helped his father in the garage. His father was lifting heavy boxes. Suddenly, he winced in pain. "I've thrown out my back [vyhodil jsem si záda]," he groaned. Jack quickly called for his mother to help.

Later that weekend, Emily had a tennis match. She played well until she was clutching her shoulder. "I think I've thrown out my shoulder [vyhodila jsem si rameno]," she said. She had to forfeit the match to go to the doctor.

With Jack’s dad and sister injured, he knew he had to help more around the house. He was careful, too. He didn’t want to throw out any muscles, too [pochroumat si žádné svaly].

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