Mark Shimada

English phrasal verb practice with "lay down" and "lay out"

On a Saturday morning, the people of Elm Street gathered for a special project. The neighborhood wanted to make an empty lot into a community garden. In a neighborhood meeting, Mr. Thompson, a retired teacher, laid out [předložil] all the plans and designs for the garden.

Earlier that morning, Mr. Thompson laid out [rozložil] all the tools, seeds, and garden layouts on a large table. "Here's everything we need to get started," he said. The neighbors appreciated what he laid out for them [připravil]. Each person looked at the plans and picked up a tool. 

Before they started, Mr. Thompson said, "It's important that we know how to work together. So, he laid down a few simple rules [stanovil několik jednoduchých pravidel]. "Respect each other’s space, help keep the garden clean, and most importantly, have fun!"

The first task was to lay out the pathways [vyznačit] that would go through the garden. Mrs. Garcia laid out the strings [položila] on the ground for the path. This helped everyone work on the path with rocks.

After putting in the path, it was time to plant the flowers and vegetables. Mr. Thompson showed the children how to lay down the seeds [klást semínka] in the soil. "Make sure you lay down the seeds [semínka pokládáte] gently and cover them lightly with earth." The children listened carefully and followed his directions.

The older kids had a special task too. Mrs. Lee helped them lay out colorful stones [rozmístit barevné kameny] at the entrance. They put the stones in a beautiful pattern.

By the end of the day, everyone had worked hard to lay out the garden [aby zahradu upravili] like in the plans. The pathways were clear, the seeds were all laid down [zaseta] in neat rows, and the stone mosaic was a lovely welcome at the entrance.

Everyone cleaned up and Mr. Thompson thanked everyone for their hard work. "Thanks to your effort, we've laid down a foundation [vytvořili základ] to bring joy to our community."

Everyone left feeling tired but happy. The Elm Street Community Garden was on its way to becoming a favorite spot in the neighborhood.

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