Mark Shimada

English phrasal verb practice with "back up" and "back down"

Susan had a busy day ahead of her. First on her list was to take out the trash [vynést odpadky]. Her mom reminded her, "Take out the trash [Vynes odpadky] before you leave." After finishing her chores, Susan got her bag and left to do some errands.

Her first stop was the bank. Susan and her parents were moving to a bigger house. Her parents needed to take out a bigger loan. The bank manager explained all the details. It was hard for Susan to take in so much information [vstřebat tolik informací]. There were so many numbers and terms she didn't understand.

Next, Susan went to the tailor's shop. Six months ago, she started a new exercise routine. Now, she needed to take in the waist [zúžit v pase] of her jeans. "Can you make it a bit tighter in the waist?" she asked the tailor. The tailor promised that the jeans would be ready by next week.

After visiting the tailor, Susan went to a new electronics store. She was looking for a new laptop. The salesperson showed her several models and explained their features. Susan really liked one particular laptop and was ready to buy it. Just then, a friend sent her a message warning her about the store. Realizing she was about to be taken in by a scam [naletět podvodníkovi], Susan changed her mind. "Thank you, but I need to think about it," she told the salesperson, and quickly left the store.

Feeling disappointed, Susan took out her wallet to check her money. She was glad she didn’t spend it on a faulty laptop. On her way home, Susan stopped at a café to relax. She took out a book [vyndala knihu] from her bag and enjoyed some reading time.

At the end of the day, Susan returned home feeling good. She took care of her jeans, learned a lot about mortgages, and didn’t waste her money. It was a lot to take in [bylo toho na ni hodně], but Susan felt good about the way the day went.

"Susan, did you take out the trash? [vynesla jsi odpadky]" her mom asked as soon as she walked in. Susan laughed, because it was the very first task of the day. "I'll do it now!" she said, and they both laughed.

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