Mark Shimada

English phrasal verb practice with "try on" and "try out"

Laura was excited about the weekend. She had two big plans: trying out for the basketball team [zúčastnit se konkurzu do basketbalového týmu] and trying out a new restaurant [vyzkoušet novou restauraci] with her family.

On Saturday morning, Laura woke up early. Today was the day she was trying out [zúčastnit se výběru] for the basketball team. She was nervous but also very excited. She had been practicing every day after school. "You'll do great," her mom said to her at breakfast.

After breakfast, Laura packed her sports bag. She put in her basketball shoes and a water bottle. When she arrived at the school gym, there were many other students there. The coach explained how the tryouts would work and then everyone started warming up.

Laura felt butterflies in her stomach as her turn approached. When it was her time to try out [ukázat, co umí], she focused on her skills. She dribbled swiftly and made some good shots. The coach nodded approvingly, which made Laura feel hopeful.

After the tryouts [po zkušebních testech], Laura returned home, tired but happy. She couldn't wait to find out if she made the team. To celebrate the end of tryouts, her parents took her to a new restaurant that had just opened in town. They had heard good reviews and decided to try it out [ji vyzkoušet].

At the restaurant, Laura really liked the colorful decor and the friendly staff. The menu had many dishes she had never eaten before. "Everything looks so good," Laura said. Her family tried out many different dishes [vyzkoušela mnoho různých jídel]. Laura loved the flavors, and the dessert was delicious!

On Sunday, Laura and her mom went shopping. Laura needed new shoes for school. At the shoe store, Laura tried on several pairs of shoes [si vyzkoušela několik párů bot]. She walked around in them to see if they were comfortable. After trying on four pairs, she finally found the perfect one. "These are comfy and cute," Laura said looking at them in the mirror.

The weekend was full of new experiences for Laura. She tried out for the basketball team [zúčastnila se konkurzu do basketbalového týmu], tried a new restaurant [vyzkoušela novou restauraci], and even tried on new shoes [vyzkoušela si nové boty]. On Monday, Laura received good news: she had made the basketball team! 

Laura felt proud of herself. She had stepped out of her comfort zone and it had led to many good things. Now, she was excited for all the new adventures ahead with her team and her new shoes!

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